Enjoy the freedom knowing your accounts are in good hands.
Contact us for your Perth Bookkeeping needs.
Being responsible for correctly paying and keeping records for employees is a significant burden. Let us help you set it up right.
Keeping accurate records ensures you’re protected if you ever get audited. It also gives you reliable figures to make better decisions.
A Registered BAS Agent is the best person for the job when it comes to keeping you compliant and advising you about the GST laws.
A properly set up bookkeeping system can help you keep accurate records. Let us help with tailored software packages and training.
I’m Tanya Russell, a bookkeeper located in Perth’s eastern suburbs, Western Australia. I work with clients from Midvale to Kewdale and as far North as Broome and Kununurra.
My business mission is to empower you around your finances. I love working with businesses owners like yourself and love to see your success. I like to think that I’m working with you, not for you.
- Owner, MPower Bookkeeping Solutions
Empowering you around your finances and helping you to break free from the burden of compliance.
I have had a close and regular professional association with Tanya, principal bookkeeper of MPower, since 2000 when GST was first introduced. I have always found their work to be of the highest quality and accuracy. What makes MPower’s services stand out from other bookkeeper businesses I deal with is their understanding of how their work affects the end accounting result and they are particularly cognisant of the interaction of GST to the accounts. This removes much frustration with both the tax agent and the client in the production of the final accounts at the compliance stage.
They are also very easy to deal with and go that extra length to ensure the final product is a true and reliable reflection of their client’s financial situation even with the most difficult of clients.
I cannot recommend them highly enough.